Thursday, May 21, 2015

Reflection On powtoon

In my powtoon power point presentation I think i did very well since in everything i got above for and I had enough information for people to know about web 1.0 and 2.0 and how it has developed over time and all the changes. They all know the differences and the similarities between it and that means that the slides were good and i did well in it

Reflection on Questionnaire

I think I have a really good questionnaire because it has questions that will test people and I will also get know how much people know about web 2.0. I will also know what people use in their daily lives and how much they use it and if they like web 2.0 or not. I will also know what they have done to web 2.0 and if they have created things on web 2.0 and why they mainly use it. The questionnaire is also really easy so that people can easily answer the questions.

Questionnaire on Web 2.0

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Questionnaire: A questionnaire is a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study.The different types of questions that are framed in a questionnaire are open ended questions, close ended questions, matrix questions and contingency questions. To do a questionnaire you can do it by an email, a phone, electronically or face to face. The question should be in a sequence of the following:
  • Questions should flow logically from one to the next.
  • The researcher must ensure that the answer to a question is not influenced by previous questions.
  • Questions should flow from the more general to the more specific.
  • Questions should flow from the least sensitive to the most sensitive.
  • Questions should flow from factual and behavioral questions to attitudinal and opinion questions.
  • Questions should flow from unaided to aided questions.
  • According to the three stage theory (also called the sandwich theory), initial questions should be screening and rapport questions. Then in the second stage you ask all the product specific questions. In the last stage you ask demographic questions.

An open-ended question is designed to encourage a full, meaningful answer using the subject's own knowledge and/or feelings. It is the opposite of a closed-ended question, which encourages a short or single-word answer. Open-ended questions also tend to be more objective and less leading than closed-ended questions
closed-ended question is a question format that limits respondents with a list of answer choices from which they must choose to answer the question.Commonly these type of questions are in the form of multiple choices, either with one answer or with check-all-that-apply, but also can be in scale format, where respondent should decide to rate the situation in along the scale continuum, similar to Likert questions.
Closed-Ended Question Open-Ended Question
Do you get on well with your boss? Tell me about your relationship with your boss.
Who will you vote for this election? What do you think about the two candidates in this election?
What colour shirt are you wearing? That's an interesting coloured shirt you're wearing.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Reflection- 22/1/2015

In today's lesson I was able to make a lot of progress and I was able to finish all the work that the teacher gave me and I was even able to go onto my tech fair project and continue doing work on that. I was able to finish the leaflet about plagiarism and different types and was also able to finish the worksheet that the teacher gave us to do!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Reflection on tech fair research- 15/1/15

In todays lesson I think I did really good research because I was able to get 3 ideas that I need for the tech fair and the 3 points I researched on was creating a game, robotics and creating a website. I got a lot of research for the creating a game and if the game doesn't work out I would do something with robotics. With the game I will make a website that will educate people about the website.
Term 2- Tech Fair 2015
Creating  a game- the game I will make will be made on the software called Sploder and the game will help the community by having a quiz on general life or math questions that will help you with your math and the question that we will give will keep getting harder to move on in the level. It will also be hard in the game because there will be things like different obstacles to pass to move on so it wouldn't be only boring quizzes there would also be hard areas to pass through. There could also be like lives where the people would have 5 lives each and if they die by an obstacle or get an answer wrong they would lose one. There could also be some facts in between that would help the people as they move along the different levels. There would also be different characters for the different genders and we will also have levels for different age groups so that everybody is able to play the game! At the end we will have really hard questions that people wouldn't be able to answer so nobody would be able to complete the game.
Advantages: It would be very fun and interesting for other people because they could learn something new and also practice for fun or just play around.
Disadvantages: The disadvantages would be that it might take some time to make it because we need to discuss what questions we will put in and also how the layout would look like etc.
Robotics- For robotics I will make a robot that will be able to move around when you switch it on or it would also be able to move when you have a remote control so its like a toy for little kids to play around with. It would be made out of raw materials that we would be able to fit in some wires into to move it around.
Advantages:  The advantages for this would be that it would be very cool and fun to make but also for people to look at and ask questions about.
Disadvantages: A disadvantage for this could be that it would cost some money for us to buy the many different parts for it and also how long it would take us to build it and complete it.
Creating A Website- The website will be made to also educate people about life or school and if we are making the game it will be to tell people what the game is about and maybe some of the rules or how to play the game and also some of the cheats to easily to do the level for people who can't.
Advantages:  The advantages would be that it would be helpful for students if they aren't good at the subject. It wouldn't take that much time either.
Disadvantages :  There are no disadvantages.